SOOO strange, I could've sworn I posted my poem here this morning, and now it is gone.
/puzzled. OH well, here it is again. I hope you like it.
My dragons grow with heat and snow
with lithesome wings and sterner things
with pipes and harp and claws so sharp
with fierce intent and teeth that rent
with staves of peace and fire beneath
wit healing touch which soothes so much
my eggs I keep both warm and deep
without a word they sing like birds
a song so sweet, so fierce, so fleet
to lift our hearts out from the dark
but most of all when darkness falls
my dragons gather my soul together
and wolves and we all sing to thee
ArrrOOOoooOo! to you! ArrRRooOO to you!
~written Aug 27th, 2008 7:00 am
Kat Wolfdancer